is Consie Powell? Is she an artist? And a writer too? So it
But, what on earth landed her in such a fix?
Let’s look back.
Ah, there she is….
Consie is the curly-haired toddler who took naps in a cardboard
box and fed kittens off a spoon.
Consie is the California kindergartner who learned how bright
stars are, contemplated from the warmth of a sleeping bag on the
Consie is the fourth-grader who loved drawing as much as she loved
playing music or snooping in tidepools.
Consie is the teenager who cheered for the cheetah at the zoo
as it sprang awake to catch and devour a clueless mourning dove.
Consie is the college art major who discovered how invigorating
and romantic Minnesota snow and cold weather can be.
Consie is the newlywed who invited a weasel to join the family.
Consie is the graduate student who read hundreds of picture books,
and called it her program of study.
Consie is the spouse who helped raise fishers and porcupines,
and occasionally made road-kill stew.
Consie is the mom who encouraged a daughter to keep toads as pets.
Consie is the freelancer who decided to ignore dog hair and dust.
Consie is the writer who gets irked with her husband’s critiques,
but deep inside knows he’s right.
Consie is the artist who draws weasels and bugs and dogs and kids
and apples and birds and snow and lizards and spiders and clouds
and whatever else takes her fancy.
And Consie is the person who smiles, and follows, when her dog
tells her to come outside, find a good stick, and see how lovely
life can be.
In case you want more specifics, Consie also
- Creates books for children,
- Illustrates scientific publications,
- Edits, designs, illustrates
and occasionally writes the North Carolina WILD Notebook (the
young readers’ feature in the
monthly Wildlife in North Carolina magazine),
- Has created
artwork for the North
Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and
the North Carolina Zoo,
- Loves to paddle a wood canoe,
- Makes tasty sourdough bread,
- And knows that puppy-breath is
the sweetest perfume in the world.

illustrator | visual storyteller | writer
PO Box 918
Ely, Minnesota 55731
(218) 235-8808
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